
Please note this is not a formal reporting platform. This platform is a disclosure tool that you can use to disclose unacceptable behaviour. If you provide us with your contact details, then you will receive contact from our team who will offer you support and discuss the next steps that you may wish to take in relation to your disclosure.

Report + Support

At University of Westminster we are a compassionate community who look out for each other and our collective wellbeing, being actively inclusive and we embrace individual differences. We take responsibility for doing the right thing, even when it feels difficult. If you are a student or colleague at University of Westminster and have experienced bullying and harassment, discrimination, hate crime or sexual misconduct, tell us about it here.

If you require emergency help, please call emergency services on 999 (or 112 from a mobile). If you're deaf or hard of hearing, use our textphone service 18000 or text on 999 if you’ve pre-registered with the emergency SMS service.

For all non-emergency crimes dial 101.

There are two ways you can tell us what happened