Please note this is not a formal reporting platform. This platform is a disclosure tool that you can use to disclose unacceptable behaviour. If you provide us with your contact details, then you will receive contact from our team who will offer you support and discuss the next steps that you may wish to take in relation to your disclosure.
What is Report and Support?
Report and Support is an online platform that allows University colleagues to report any alleged incident of bullying, harassment or discrimination safely at the University and to access further support.

Who receives, advises and supports when reports are made?
Report and Support for colleagues is managed by the University’s Culture and Inclusion team. An adviser working on the platform receives and advises on colleague reports.

What is the point of reporting anonymously?
Anonymous reporting contributes to the data which is analysed and reported to the University’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee. This data informs the preventative work which is undertaken to promote the best working culture at the University.

Why is there a separate platform for colleagues and students?
Colleagues who work at the University have a different infrastructure of support and procedures, compared with our students who study with us. The differences between the employment relationship and the study relationship are reflected in the different pathways that we have for colleagues and students on Report and Support.

What is the difference between Report and Support and other reporting mechanisms, such as OSHENS (health and safety), Grievance Procedure, Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblowing) Procedure for example?
When a colleague submits a report with their contact details to Report and Support, the colleague is advised in confidence on a recommended course of action. Report and Support does not replace the other procedures and support available at the University, but helps the colleague navigate these effectively.

How can / why would we trust this system (confidentiality)?
Report and Support for colleagues is managed on a strictly confidential ‘need to know’ basis. Read our privacy policy here.

If you report on behalf of someone do you need to have their permission?
If your report will involve sharing sensitive information about a colleague, it is recommended that you have the colleague’s agreement to share this information via Report and Support on their behalf.

Alternatively, you can submit a short report without naming the colleague or providing sensitive information, and we will advise you further. 

Will the data be shared if so when and how?
Report and Support for colleagues is managed on a strictly confidential ‘need to know’ basis. Read our privacy policy here and see our flow chart for colleagues.

How long can I expect to wait before my report is acted upon?
An adviser will usually contact you within 1-3 working days. Please see our flow chart for colleagues.


There are two ways you can tell us what happened