Please note this is not a formal reporting platform. This platform is a disclosure tool that you can use to disclose unacceptable behaviour. If you provide us with your contact details, then you will receive contact from our team who will offer you support and discuss the next steps that you may wish to take in relation to your disclosure.
Accessibility statement

Although Culture Shift is not a public sector organisation, we recognise that many of our customers have obligations under the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018, in addition to our legal responsibilities under UK law and ethical responsibilities as good citizens. This statement is made to set out our accessibility standards and to help our customers ensure compliance with their own standards.
The Culture Shift product consists of two different websites: a customisable public website, and an admin dashboard. These websites are built in such a way to be compliant with the Web Content Accessiblity Guidelines, version 2.1 to the AA standard (this is in line with UK government guidance).
We use the tool Pa11y on our Dashboard and Demonstration website to check our compliance with these standards. When Pa11y identifies an issue, we handle these as a high priority bug.
The public-facing websites of an organisation allow users to customise the look and feel, including the use of images and colours. It also allows users to publish content including linking to images, embedding videos and other documents. Culture Shift does not validate that these user configured options and content meet the requirements of WCAG 2.1, so it is up to customers to ensure that their colour and image choices are compatible with the standard, as well as any additional content such as videos.

There are two ways you can tell us what happened