Please note this is not a formal reporting platform. This platform is a disclosure tool that you can use to disclose unacceptable behaviour. If you provide us with your contact details, then you will receive contact from our team who will offer you support and discuss the next steps that you may wish to take in relation to your disclosure.
The Report and Support system privacy statement 
The University of Westminster takes its data protection obligations very seriously. Access to any personal information you give us when using the Report and Support tool is subject to a staff confidentiality agreement. Access to your personal information in the Report and Support tool is limited by permissions to only those University staff assisting the Report and Support process and who need access to review and action individual cases. 
Additionally, the Report and Support team will create and disseminate aggregate reports based on Report and Support case reports. No individuals will be recognisable in any aggregate data that is compiled for management reports, which are shared more widely with University groups, including UWSU. 
Please see below for more wider potential data sharing related to the review and resolution of Report and Report cases. 
Your personal data and special category data 
If you submit an anonymous report in the Report and Support tool, the University cannot commit to carrying out an investigation, initiating any disciplinary or other formal proceedings or passing on information to potential third parties to take further action. However, in some circumstances, we may do so. 
Usually, we will only undertake actions based on a named report, where the individual making the report has agreed for further action to proceed. However, in some circumstances, the University will be obliged to consider its legal obligations and take forward both anonymous reports and reports where the individual making the report has not expressed a wish to proceed with actions. 
Anonymous reports are collected in the tool in such a way that we cannot recognise the individual who made the report. In such anonymous reports our expectation is that there will be no names of any individual or third parties. If personal information is shared with us, it will be used, subject to the information given above. 
In named reports we may collect: 
·        Your name, contact details, age and student related data such as your University ID reference, ethnicity, age, gender identity, sexuality, health and disability. 
·        Details regarding your experience of a bullying, harassment or sexual misconduct incident. 
Use of personal data and legal basis of processing  
Anonymous and named reports made in the Report and Support tool will be processed as circumstances require to investigate and take agreed actions to address a reported issue. Data will also be used to create aggregated and anonymous reports for sharing with relevant University groups and committees for the purpose of informing the University on the level and severity of these issues and helping the University understand and address these through actions and initiatives to combat hate crime, unwanted behaviour and approaches to promote wellbeing. 
No individual will be recognisable in this aggregated reporting. 
In named reports, contact details will be used to offer support and agree actions as required. 
Given the seriousness of the issues the Report and Support tool and related processing will encompass, the main legal basis for the University to process personal data in its report reviews and related actions, which may in some cases involve third parties, for example the police where necessary, will be as a public authority performing a task in the public interest. 
Where reported incidents relate to potential breeches of agreements we hold with our staff or students, we shall process their data as necessary for the fulfilment of these agreements. 
Any personal special category processed will be done with explicit consent. 
Additionally, we may process some personal data in relation to our legal obligations including but not limited to employment law, equality law, preventing or detecting unlawful acts and the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims. 
If you wish to withdraw your consent from the processing of any sensitive personal data you may have initially decided to give us, please contact student-wellbeing@westminster.ac.uk
Data Retention 
Personal data given in any anonymous or named Report and Support reports will be retained for six years after any report and related actions are closed. 
Anonymous data and related aggregate anonymous reports, where no individual is recognisable, are likely to be retained for a longer period for business and comparison purposes. 
Automated Decision Making 
The University of Westminster does not use automated processing and decision making without manual intervention. This includes in relation to data received in the context of the Report and Support tool. 
Data transfers and sharing 
The University team reviewing Report and Support reports will usually agree any actions and sharing of personal data with those who make named reports, unless otherwise required and allowed by law. In certain circumstances, the University may provide information to the police, social care, local authorities and other similar bodies. 
Additionally, again depending on circumstances, personal information may be shared with the University’s legal advisors, consultants and where required, with courts, tribunals and other legal proceedings. 
Your rights 
If you have any questions relating to the use of your personal information in the Report and Support tool, please contact the Report and Support team at student-wellbeing@westminster.ac.uk
If you have any questions or concerns about your personal information and your information rights, please see the University’s data protection web pages or contact the Information Compliance Team dpa@westminster.ac.uk  
You can also contact the Information Commissioner’s Office with any concerns or complaints you may have with the processing of your personal data. 
This statement was last reviewed and updated in January 2021.

There are two ways you can tell us what happened