Thank you for choosing to report anonymously. We understand that this might be a difficult time for you, and we want to help connect you to support.
If you choose to submit a report anonymously, we will not be able to identify you or contact you, and so we are unable to give you any support or to initiate an investigation or formal process about your concerns.
Please consider making a disclosure providing your name and contact details if you would like the university to take action and offer you direct support.Anonymous reports enable us to build a picture of issues where people do not feel able to reveal personal information but would like the University to be aware of something that has taken place. Anonymous reports provide statistical information, which is used to monitor trends at the University and to inform our proactive and preventative work on tackling Bullying, Harassment, Discrimination, Hate Crime and Sexual Misconduct.
If you would prefer, you can report with your
contact details. Once you have submitted your disclosure an advisor will reach out to you within a few days to discuss support available.
You may wish to refer to the
support articles if you wish to find further information about support and resolutions available to you.